Thursday, November 8, 2012

How Diabetes Can Sneak up on You

It may seem strange but Diabetes is much easier to catch in it's early stages. The reason being that the disease itself doesn't have many noticeable symptoms. If you know the symptoms of pre-diabetes there is a change you can make the changes in your diet and overall health and stop diabetes in its tracks.
Diabetes is now considered a paleo autoimmune condition and you should look to diet to help.

 If you have two or more of these pre-diabetes symptoms you should get yourself checked out as soon as you can:

1) If you find you are excessively thirsty, not only just after extreme exercise or very hot weather.

2) It seems like you constantly have a dry mouth - even if you've just had a drink.

3) You find you are always having to run to the bathroom to urinate.

4) You have unexpected weight loss or gain (even though you may be constantly hungry and eating well.

5) You constantly feel lethargic. You always feel as if you have no energy.

6) Sometimes you experience blurry vision - be careful, untreated eye problems caused through diabetes can lead to blindness. You should have regular eye checks, especially as you get older because your eyes can be the early warning signal for many diseases.

7) You have cuts, sores or bruises (especially on your feet) that are slow to heal.

8) If you experience excessive itching or soreness in the genital area or yeast infections (which can be misdiagnosed as thrush) it may be a sign of too much sugar in your urine. Please is you find yourself experiencing these symptoms go get checked today. There is still time to reclaim your health.

As someone who came to the Paleo diet pre-diabetic, I know how tough it is to find fun paleo recipes that satisfy and maintain a low blood sugar level. Heck it can even be tough to find Whole30 Desserts that are simple and delicious.   One of my favorite recipes is watermelon jello.